I read the news too much. Far too much. It’s horribly addictive and most of the time it’s utterly miserable. Studiously avoid reality with UFW.
CERN ROOT on Ubuntu 18.04
Occasionally someone asks me how to install CERN ROOT. If you are reading this, probably it was you. Sometimes it is me, but more than likely it was you. For the record, I don’t know how to install CERN ROOT, but at some point in the past I did. See below.
Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04
Having been using Ubuntu Unity for nearly decade, I was a little hesitant to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04, which has switched from Unity to Gnome Shell. It’s a bit different. Mostly in a good way. As ever, there were a few things that needed fixing up.
Physics in the Pub Sydney
As part of Australian Science Week 2018 I spent seven hours on a bus to talk for 8 minutes about nuclear physics in a pub in Sydney. Totally worth it. Apologies for the terrible lighting – there may be a better video on the way. Also, occasional swearing!
Alchemy on ABC Canberra (2015)
Sunday Brunch is the Sunday morning show on ABC Canberra 666, hosted by the fantastic Lish Fejer. Colleague and Nanda Dasgupta and I were recently invited on to talk about Alchemy – the ancient art of transforming lead into gold. Whilst I wouldn’t consider myself an alchemist, a lot of what we do in nuclear physics does involve transforming one element into another.
Nuclear Cartography #1
Don’t you just wish nuclear data was more colourful? A bit more joyful? Presented with a dash of whimsy, whilst being reliably available?