Dr. Ed Simpson is a nuclear physicist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Applications at the Australian National University, researching nuclear collisions and their use in fundamental science and nuclear applications.

  • Mount Bishop, VIC

    Mount Bishop, VIC

    Mount Bishop (Wilson’s Promontory, Victoria), with stunning views over the coast.

  • iFAQ


    Questions that I infrequently ask myself and, by the very nature of their infrequency, tend to forget the answer.

  • GEANT4 on Ubuntu 22.04

    GEANT4 on Ubuntu 22.04

    Geant4 on Ubuntu 22.04 build instructions for the discerning radiation transport modeller.

  • CERN ROOT on Ubuntu 22.04

    CERN ROOT on Ubuntu 22.04

    Occasionally someone asks me how to install CERN ROOT. If you are reading this, probably it was you.

  • South of Eden, NSW

    South of Eden, NSW

    These shots were taken in what is currently known as Ben Boyd National Park, near Eden in southern New South Wales.